October 2007
This newsletter will be the last of an era. If you haven’t heard, I am planning to stop printing and e-mailing the newsletter unless you specifically re quest that I do so. From this newsletter on, you will find the newsletter as a blog at: http://www.browerbitsonline.blogspot.com./
On my blog I will post each piece of information (including pictures) as I receive it from you...that way no news will be old news. I will also put together a complete newsletter every six months and post it as a large chunk on my blog. I will notify you by e-mail when the complete edition has been posted.
If you just don’t use the internet or won’t look at a blog, I will still e-mail or print you a copy of the newsletter, but you have to care enough to let me know!!!! Never fear, I will still continue to pester you for information!! My next newsletter is due in April, feel free to write or share news anytime before then and I will post it expeditiously on my blog.
Vivian Foley
13165 Lock Lane
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
(816) 637-9228
What People Are Saying about Brower Bits Online
"GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! " (Judy)
"I took a look and this is great! Well organized, convenient to navigate, and nice how you have interspersed photos with text (when you have it)...now I think I will turn off the email reminder I still get every couple of days to "See what’s happening with the Brower Family", when nothing is really happening on that web site at all." (Lydja)
"I love the blog. I check it quite regularly."(Keriann)
"Wow, the blog is great. I guess I should have looked into the family website. Anyway I will repent and use the blog." (Susan)
Mission Calls
By Joan Lindhardt
Just wanted to let you know that our grandsons, Spencer, (son of Daniel) has received his mission call to Rio De Janerio Brazil and leaves Dec 18 for the MTC in Sao Paulo and Tyson (son of Jeff) has received his mission call to the Baltic Mission - Russian speaking and enters the MTC in Provo Feb 27.
So Busy, They're Dizzy
By Melvina Anderson
Stephanie Asay and Eric have moved into their new home in Heber, Timberlake. They have lots of work to finish including caulking the logs. So far its rained every weekend which slows things up. Stephanie has also transferred her office to Park City located in the Smith's Grocery store. Now she can get to work in a half hour instead of an hour. We helped mud and paint. I couldn't look up without getting dizzy so in the end I wasn't a lot of help. It's a neat house. Nickolas gets out of the Navy in November. They will probably settle in Arizona. Brandie Cloward's daughter Shaelyn is now in West Jordan Junior High.
I camped twice this summer with Lori and Roland (Largo)and Terri and DeWayne (Holgerson) once in Fairview Canyon, the other at Terri and DeWayne's property in Argyle Canyon. The kids saw a mother bear and her cub. Instead of hiding in the trailer Rachel, DeJa and Shaylee went looking for tracks.
Part of George's job is being outsourced to India in November. There is another year on the rest of the contract so he'll still be working. He supervises the night shift.
Wes and Bonnie love being grandparents. Heather, Micah and MacKenzie are doing great. Bonnie and Rebecca are taking college classes.I'm a DUP VP and as I thought my assignment is seeing that the Cemetery gets weeded so I hear a lot about why others can't. It reminds me of Mom walking around the neighborhood and weeding people's yards until she couldn't tell the flowers from the weeds. I could have kept her busy since one side is all weeds.I did get copies of Arza Hinckley's journal from Marsha Mason (Keith Mason is her husband; he is still in the nursing home but was doing a little better). One history was written by Joel Bowen. I'll send them on.
BABY NEWS for Liebes Family
By Judy Liebes
About the only new information in our family is a baby boy who is due to arrive January 5, 2008. His name will be Jacob Donald Liebes - Jake for short. Courtney is now in kindergarten and LOVES it. Everything else seems to just be going along the same.
Bronson Dunn Born June 13, 2007
By Liz Dunn
Life is starting to get back to normal for us. We had a son born a little early. Bronson was born June 13, 2007 and was expected August 24th. He spent two months in the NICU and overcame many obstacles. At birth, he weighed 2 lbs. 15 oz. He now weighs 9 lbs. 8 oz. Bronson is a miracle and a really great baby.Dylan is two and lots of fun. He got to spend time in Idaho and Utah with grandparents and cousins. He loves the tractors at Grandpa May’s and we still can’t drive by the hospital without Dylan mentioning Bronson.Marc is enjoying work. We still live in Olathe, Kansas. (A suburb of Kansas City) Our only complaint is we are far away from family. Thank you to all the family. We couldn’t have made it without the support and prayers.
Retired and Tired
By Susan Brower
Kelli and Creed are adding the stress to our lives, as only Kelli can. Kelli had open heart surgery on May 9 in Rochester Minn. at the Mayo Clinic. She had to go there because SLC doesn't do the kind of surgery she needed. She had two tears in her pericardium that is the sac that surrounds the heart and protects it from blunt force. It was so damaged that they couldn't just repair it, they took the entire sac. She was there for a week, then home on bed rest for a while and wasn't supposed to work for a year. Her insurance company decided that she didn't need to stay for a week and they don't want to pay for more than 1 day. Isn't it funny that the insurance knows more than the doctors. We won't go into that. Joseph is 12 almost 13 and in 7th grade. He is in the middle school and loves changing classes and being the oldest class. Kaitie is 9 and in 4th grade at Midway Elementary in Menan. She has lost interest in school since it is so boring. She needs more activity. I think she is a little spoiled also. I'm sure she will settle down. Bryce in almost 4 and in a pre-school with his stepsister Kenna who is 3 1/2, They are so funny, what one doesn't think of the other one does. Ben is 2 and tries to keep up - he is very persistent and usually gets in trouble by pushing someone down. He loves the farm and loves to go with Creed.
Lori is still here and keeps busy sewing quilts and doing crocheted blankets for most of the weddings and babies of her friends. She still watches Ben and Bryce from time to time and of course she plays with Tyson and Kristy. They do a bit of running around and we all play card games as a family. (rook, up and down, head and foot, rummykub, and golf)Amy is probably sending her bit so I'll just say she is attending BYU and will be graduating in April 2008. She is a live wire and is hard to keep up with also.
Kristy and Isaac live a few blocks from us. Isaac just got a part time job in the School District helping with the Spanish speaking students. He helps them understand their school work and keeps them on track. He has about 8 students in the junior high. It's not quite enough hours to support the family, but it is an in with the district. He wants to teach Spanish, but may have to do part time school at BYU-I to do English as a second language. Anyway, they spend a lot of time here and we love having Tyson here. He is almost walking and has 2 teeth. Kristy is so proud of him, but so are we! He will be 1 in November.
Ivan is officially retired and tired. He reads a lot and still does some computer repair and consulting. He is currently trying to put up an antenna to hook the neighbors up to high speed internet. We bought a camp trailer in April and have only used it a few times. We love it so far and may be will take it out of the driveway soon!. Actually we spent 3 days in Yellowstone park and really enjoyed it. When it got so hot in July and August, I slept in there with the air conditioner on! I quit working at the dairy the end of April and attended Jon's graduation with the family. Then the end of July we went with Keriann and Jon to Toledo Ohio! We were gone 2 weeks and enjoyed seeing some of the country on the east side of the Mississippi. The church sites were especially nice. We didn't take the trailer because we didn't have a vehicle big enough to pull it that far. It was nice to be with Keriann and Jon and get them settled in. They have a great family ward and will be a great part of it. We love our families and we love the Brower clan. We miss spending time with all of you, but as our families grow we kind of get busy with them.
Houses, Houses, Everywhere
By Connie Brower
This summer has been rather crazy for us. Or maybe it's that we have gone crazy. In April we finally made the move and bought a house in Mesa, AZ after looking for several years. I asked the real estate agent ,who has been very patient and kind to us these past few years .I think maybe she thought she had shown us every house in leisure world. Anyway I asked her if she thought we were ever really going to buy a house and she said she thought we would probably spend more years looking.After being so careful and spending so much time looking in Arizona. We came home and had a chance to sell our pasture ground and took it. In order to not have to pay so many taxes we put our money into a 1031 which allows you to put that money back into real estate. Anyway to make a long story short, our real-estate agent here told us about a house on the Salmon river in Challis . We looked at it once and said we'll take it. I am quite sure we are crazy because all we have done this summer is travel back and forth mowing lawns and taking care of houses. Also trying to furnish a house in Challis is a challenge because Challis is a very small town with not to many businesses there. I have never spent so much time in DI's, Big lots, dollar stores and etc. So we have also been busy hauling house furnishings back and forth. Anyway we are worn out and finally last week end got the Challis house winterized (Just in time for the snow storm today thank goodness.)
Well the rest of the story is that we are now getting the Blackfoot house winterized and getting ready to go to Arizona and furnish the house there at least we won't be traveling back and forth between two houses and Mesa is a big city with lots of nice estate sales to furnish your house. I really began to wish we could have another wedding reception this summer to help get things rolling but that would have been just as much work so I soon forgot that idea.The crazy part is what do we need three houses for. Other than to keep us really busy and out of mischief. I forgot to mention the other thing that has made this so crazy is that Jerry hurt his shoulder (rotator cup) in Feb., and so in between traveling he has been in physical therapy all summer. He has improved and is about done with therapy,Thank goodness just in time for traveling to AZ. Also he will be able to help lift and haul things better now. He found it rather challenging with one hand, So did I.There's room for tents and trailers if anyone wants to camp and fish,hike,float the river, or just relax, Give us a call we love company. Also if the winter gets long, cold and depressing, or if your just interested in seeing what Mesa is like come visit us.
Holy Toledo!!
By Keriann Felt
Jon and I have moved to Toledo, Ohio. We love Ohio! It is so beautiful here! Jon started Medical School on August 13th. He is doing well. He has had two exams already and has done well on both of them. I am just a stay at home wife which everyone seems to think is weird. I love being at home and keeping things under control. Jon and I have been put in the nursery in our ward. It was rough the first few weeks, but the Nursery Leader is very organized and has structured things so well, that things are going really well now. Jon says it is even better than the beginning when he was basically a bouncer for the really rowdy boys. We have had some crazy adventures in moving and starting our life out here. We started a blog to let our family and friends see our adventures. Here is where it can be found:
www.jonandkeriann.blogspot.comIt has been fun to learn how to blog and to hear others comments on how life is going.
Just a few things that have happened to us. We had our car broken into in the parking lot of our apartment and they stole our radio. It has been hard to have no music, but we are hesitant to replace it, because it would probably just get stolen again. Luckily, they didn't break anything to get into our car. They were able to jimmy the lock and not ruin the electric locks. Then the week after that happened, we lost our hard drive on our computer. It is only 2 years old and was still under warranty! So we got a new hard drive for free. DEL even came out a installed it. The sad part was that we were afraid that we would loose all the data on our old hard drive, but through a lot of prayer, miraculously we were able to get to the data and move it over to the new hard drive. It was a amazing! We are so grateful that even though we are so far away from family we are being looked out for. It is hard to be so far away, but I know that Jon and I are not alone. That is a great comfort. We hope you are all well.
Doug and Deana Brower Update
By Deana Brower
Doug is still working at Robertson Supply. He was recently given his own accounts as a salesman and is enjoying his job. He hopes to move even further up in the company. I am not working at Jakers anymore. I am now working at Vino Rosso, a wine, beer, and gourmet food shop in the Downtown area of Idaho Falls. I love it there, and feel that it was a good change for me while I wait to get out of the night time job into a day time job. Raven is in the 3rd grade this year and absolutely loves school. She is an amazing student that excels at all subjects. She is reading at almost a 5th grade level and enjoys the ability to read chapter books like Harry Potter. Scarlet started Kindergarten this fall. She was nervous about it at first but has since jumped in head first and can't wait to go to school everyday. It has been an adjustment for me to not have any children home in the morning, but I am using the time to walk/jog around the river and enjoy a cup of coffee and a good book in the local coffee house. We hope all is well with all of the family. Everyone have a wonderful Fall!
Ian Williams Off To College!
By Lydja Williams
Thought you might enjoy some photos (photos can be viewed on the blog) of Ian moving into his dorm at the University of Washington yesterday.He shares a room with Maxwell (Max) Burke of Phoenix, Arizona, who we just missed meeting yesterday. Ian says he is a perfect dorm mate, friendly, yet independent.The dorm is served on one side by a cafeteria that serves a wide variety of food including the campus favorite – Pagliacci Pizza. The other side sports a snack bar and internet cafĂ© named, interestingly enough, "Ian’s Domain". Ian feels right at home.Ian hated all the pictures, but from a brief email today, is delighted with campus living so far, especially the freedom to come and go as he pleases.
Another cool thing for Ian is that he has already tied down a campus job. He has been working for the past three weeks already as a computer technician for the Department of Education. Basically, he and 2-3 other students set up and maintain all the computers for the professors and staff of the department. He finds this a vast improvement from his previous job at Dairy Queen!
Marc and Carol Vaughn Update
By Carol Vaughn
Well, there's still not a lot of change going on for Marc and I. Marc is still going to school, taking 17 credits this semester and doing well so far (he's about a quarter of the way through). He quit his job at Acres (a food market) and now has an on-campus job refereeing. We're still living in Pleasant View in the basement of Marc's parents. It hasn't been bad, since there's an apartment set-up so we have quite a bit of privacy. I have a job teaching Spanish at Wahlquist Jr. High. It's been going well so far. It would be going better if I hadn't been sick the entire time (although things are getting better). No, I don't have a terminal illness, but I do have a terminal "condition": I'm twelve weeks pregnant. :) So that's been exciting. I've sworn to never work and be pregnant at the same time again...but sometimes you don't know what's going to happen in life. Right now we're focusing on getting Marc through school, not on what "might" happen.
Robert and Breanna May Family Update
By Robert May
Things are going well in the May house. School has started, so it’s a busy time, plus Breanna’s thyroid is still messed up, so that’s hard for her, but she’s doing o.k. The kids are all healthy, which is always a plus. Andrea is already six months old. They just keep growing up and we never have time to catch up. We’re entering the busy time of year with birthday’s and such. We’ll have 7 birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and our anniversary all between August 28th and the end of the year. Something is going on every week.Ashley turned twelve this year and the horns grew and her head started rotating in circles. Do all girls go crazy when they hit twelve?? At times she’s very grown up and happy, but sometimes she’s just nuts. Must be a girl thing. Landon is known by everyone in his school, and by ALL of the teachers in the school. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing . . . Landon’s birthday is today, and he’s old enough to go to dances now. Scary. I dread the day when he can drive, and its only two years away.
I’ve been called as an Assistant Stake Clerk over Technology in our stake. I have a much bigger appreciation for Stake Conference now that I have to make sure that we’re broadcasting to all of the buildings in our stake, and making sure that everything else is in place for the conference. I didn’t know that so much work went into stake conference, but there is quite a bit. Overall, it’s a nice calling—I’ve had much worse. We had a social evening with the stake presidency and the high council and it was pretty funny to find out that I had more kids than anyone else in the room. Makes me feel old.I will hopefully be receiving my Black Belt of Taekwondo sometime around March. That’s been a nice stress reliever.
I’m still working for a consulting company writing software for a company that makes healthcare software. It’s a lot of fun, since we’re using the latest and greatest technologies (WPF, WCF, XAML, and a bunch of other acronyms). There’s so much to know in the programming space that it’s hard to keep up with it. Currently I’m acting as the scrummaster for a team of about 12 people (3 teams really) plus coordinating a couple of other projects. It keeps me busy.Other than that, we’re pretty busy with life. We love where we live and hope to stay here for a long time.
Arrival of McKenzie Jean Beecher
McKenzie Jean Beecher was born August 4, 2007. She is the daughter of Micah and Heather Beecher, grandaughter of Wesley and Bonnie Anderson, and great grandaughter of Melvina Anderson.
Jennifer Bruggeman Attends Workman Reunion
By Jennifer Bruggeman
The Workman Reunion was held in Hurricane, Utah. The weekend of the 14th and 15th of September. It started out at the church and everyone brought their information and sat around and shared family stories. I didn't go to that, but my mom said she couldn't tear my dad away.
Saturday morning a few of us went to the temple and did baptisms and initiatory. There weren't very many of us, but there was a special closeness and some neat spiritual experiences. What a joy to be able to do work for your own family.
Next we met at the Hurricane Pioneer museum and had a tour. Hurricane is where Jacob Lindsay's 3rd wife Fanny is buried. Most of the family there are descendants from Abraham Workman. I'm not sure if that is Jacob Lindsay's brother or son, I just knew that it wasn't our branch. It was neat to see a representative from the Nancy Reader branch.
My dad learned that he was named after James Thomas Workman. I think that we figured out that it was Josephine Workman's dad. So that was neat to know where your name came from.
After the museum we toured around different sites in Hurricane. Jacob Lindsay is buried in Virgin, UT and we spent some time in the cemetery there. Then we drove to a ranch that is supposedly where Jacob L and Fanny raised there family. A homestead of 25 acres. We went to the park and had lunch, and then my son had a football game so we had to leave.
That night they had a special session at the temple. They met at 6:30 and did endowments and sealing. It was very well planned and exciting to sees o much activity centered around the temple. If anyone is interested in temple cards, there is an official family historian named Ken Workman and he can supply them. I can get you in contact with him.
Also there is a website I believe it is Workmanfamily.com. If not type in John Workman family organization in Google and you will find it. There weren't a lot of people there, but there certainly was a family resemblance. My dad has the "Workman eyes." Anyway-it was fun and exciting for those of us that were there. Talk to you soon.
Foley Fun
By Vivian Foley
Sean has been working as a contractor for the Federal Reserve Bank since June. He enjoys his job, the shorter hours, and not taking work home with him. He doesn’t enjoy the commute or being a contractor, but we hope that the contracting part will end soon. We celebrated five years of being the Richmond Branch on the 30th of September. That makes five years that he has been Branch President!
We took advantage of having Melody and Scott living in Hawaii and took our whole family to Hawaii for a couple of weeks at the end of May. It was a wonderful trip! We especially loved camping by the ocean, the Polynesian Culture Center, beautiful water falls, adventurous hikes, lots of beach playing and relaxing, and being with the Jackmans! When I took Ryan for his physical at the end of August the Doctor asked me how he got sand in his ear (not too many beaches in Missouri). I guess he just wanted to keep a souvenir close by!
Brock is turning 16 on October 30th!! He is playing the drum in the marching band, just finished playing soccer on the JV squad, looking forward to having his drivers license, looking forward to dating, and managed to be on the Principal’s Honor Roll.
Ryan is playing the flute in the marching band, just finished playing soccer on the JV squad, playing the piano a lot, asking for piano lessons in addition to his flute lessons, and also managed to be on the Principal’s Honor Roll.
Emily and Branden are living a quieter life for this year. They are in 8th grade and will enter High School with all of its craziness next year. Sage is in 4th grade and competing for her 2nd year at a level 4 in gymnastics.
As for me, I am really looking forward to Brock getting his license and taking some of the taxi responsibilities of my shoulders so I can get some other things done. We have the new family search program in our area and I love working on it and combining all of the duplicated work that has been done in our family. Some day I may even find some more temple work that needs to be done!
Joseph Workman Brower
(This is the 4th part of the history transcribed by James)
While we was there Tom and AC, went out on the canal and they worked for a guy that had teams, on the canal. It was northwest of Toppinish quit a ways. So we was out there and the team I had was just colts and I had quit a time with them. One time while I was driving them they just got scared of something and turned right around inside and came right back toward me and I scared them back the other way. I don't know how they even done it. Then when we come in from there we had to walk clear from there over to Zillah.
That was after AC come out of the army. Steve and him went in the army and they was in almost two years I believe he said. They went to Ft. Lewis and they trained and then they got in an old company and they trained soldiers all the time they was there. He said they sure would like to of went but they kept them there all the rest of the time. And while they was there, why Apostle Ballard, Apostle Ballard was over the mission over in that country, and he set them apart as elders. Apostle Ballard was also down when we as in Grants Pass, at that time too. I can remember him there but I don't think he was an apostle at that time, I think that was before he was an apostle.
So after that we left Zillah and we went over to Union Gap and worked in the sugar factory. There was Tom and Frank and Ora Gibson, Ora's my sister, they come out from Burley. I think Tom was on the spinners and Frank was on the furnace. Tom and Frank rented a house there and I stayed with them and Father would come over once in a while from Zillah. And there was Tom and Adria and Frank and Ora lived there. AC come there out of the army. I don't remember whether he came out for just a furlough or whether it's just out of the army. I can remember him coming for a visit. At that time at Union Gap I believe I started out on the beet end and while I was on the beet end they had a fellow on the kelly presses, that's were it took all the rough stuff out of the syrup--- it goes through the kelly presses. And when he had to change that he had to go up and shut a valve off then he would open it up and let the kelly press out. Well, all of us was around, the ones that was working around different places. When it was time he went over there and opened the Kelly press up and didn't turn the valve off so that shot everything right out on him, the steam. And we went out and cut his clothes off and his shoes off and he was just like when you scald a chicken. And we took them off and took him over to where they was supposed to come out and get him and we could see him and all he said was 'Oh My God, 0 My God.'
And I'll bet it was an hour, better than an hour before they come and got him. I don't know why it took so long, but I guess that they just didn't. At that time they just didn't have anything to do with scald and so he lived till the next day and died. So, I guess that must have been when they put me on the Kelly presses, cause I remember going on the presses after that, I worked there till it was over.
Let's see, yea, then I guess Frank and Ora left there and went back to Burley again and Tom stayed out there. Then in the spring we went over to Toppinish and they were building a sugar factory there. We worked in the sugar factory, Tom and I did and Father did too. And oh, I don't know, we had worked to long until the mechanics went out on a strike over in another place in Washington. So they came up there and worked over there and I think they were the one's that started for a strike there so they went on a strike there for more wages. Well, I didn't think about it. I don't know why I didn't stay, but when they went on a strike Tom and I went out together. We walked over to the office and a clerk come out and he pointed to Tom and he says there's a guy that'll never get back on and it made Tom mad and Tom says take them glasses off and so he took off the glasses and they went at it for just a while and went down wrestling. They stopped it.
Then from there we quit the sugar factory and went out thinning beets. Then from there we went to Hooper, Utah, and the reason we went to Hooper, Utah they was putting up a factory and we went to work at that. I don't know how we got wind of it less it was through the sugar company or something, I can't remember. But any way at Hooper we lived right down pretty close to where we was building the factory. Eccles was the one building the sugar factory. Father was running a place where you made steam for the hoist where they run their hoist to raise up stuff and I was working with the brick layers, they called them hood carriers and I was wheeling brick. The Hooper church was only two or three blocks from there. I forget the name of the people I worked for on the bricks, it was a separate contractor that I worked for and that was in the summer of 1919. We left in the fall of 1919 and Father and I Went over to Salt Lake. I guess he got me the job, I don't know, but I got a job with a contractor making side walks. I forgot what his name was, and I worked them side walks for a while, well, it was till late fall I worked for him. Then early in the spring of 1920 I Went to work for the Rio Grande Lumber Company, that was something to do with Utah Lumber Company, and I was delivering lumber with a horse and a wagon. The lumber would come in on the train and we would unload it. A lot of times we would take a contract after work and get so much a thousand for unloading. I was driving one team and Dewey Barlow was on another team. I worked there for all that summer. And Saturday, if we didn't work on Saturday evening then they'd put someone out there to watch the place and I would get that once in a while. And then you'd get paid the same as if you was on there on Sundays. They had a Model T truck that they would deliver some lumber with and they sent me out on that sometimes and then they had a Nash truck. While I was there why I would start it up and drive around the yard. I learned how to do it. So I worked there during the summer. There was one time during the summer that the boss that was over us, the foreman, wanted me to work one weekend and I said no. I thought it'd take me longer to do it, it was a big load of lumber and I said I'll bet you $10.00 that you can't do that in so long a time and he took me up on it. I think, I forget whether it was 2 hours, but he took me up and he beat the time a little bit on me. So I lost. I didn't think he could do it. So I had to spend my time and I got paid for it and had to turn it over to him. He made more money than I did. So, I worked there that fall, that was the place I liked to work. But as soon as the bad weather come why they'd only use just a few men so then they laid me off there.
Then, Tom wanted somebody to come out in the spring out to Washington, he'd rented a place. So I went out to Washington in the spring of 1921 and was out with him. And we planted beets on March the 3rd. Out there it wasn't early, whenever that gets ready. . . So I stayed with him and I think at one time Father come out after the beets was out. When I was on Tom's place I didn't get any pay for that at all.
After Tom left why I farmed for Sterling H. and Ethel Lewis, I raised beets out of Toppinish and I... we got 20 ton to the acre. I got $30 a month and 10% of the net profit. I probably should have got more than that. Then after we finished that, Webster Wallace and I finished plowing the ground then I left for Salt Lake City.
In the fall of 1922 I worked for Baldwin Radio in the winding department, Armus was foreman. The winding department is where they made radio headsets. And then, they went under the hands of receivers.
Then I bought a Model A bug for $90.00 to drive to work at Murray smelter that was in 1923. Rider was my foreman, I worked there for about 13 months, I was on the blast furnace, a tapper. Then I quit there in the spring of 1924.
I worked on the road between Wendover and Salt Lake, that's out on the Salt Lake Desert. I was driving team on the wheel scraper. They dumped their stuff right from the railroad; they'd dump it down and then we'd haul that out and put it on the road through the desert there.
Then in 1924 in the fall I went to American Falls for Steve Belac. That was stacking grain and combining, I was bagging on the machine in the fall for him.
In the winter of 1924 I went back to Salt Lake City. I worked for a short time for a hide company. What they done was salted them and after so long they'd shake the salt off and put em out to cure off. I worked there but that was only a short time job.
Then in the spring in 1925 I went out and worked for Drumick Construction Company. There was a boy there in Salt Lake and Bill, my brother, and I shipped out there from Salt Lake and worked on the road. It was team work, I was driving team on a fresno then the fellow that was on the caterpillar he was just a young fellow he come out to Salt Lake and he didn't seem to know much about it, so they gave it to me. They put me on it and so I stayed on there and used the caterpillar to pull it, they called it a scarefice, it went on the roads and dug up all the rocks and stuff and then they throwed that off. That was out in Stanley Basin.
Then in the fall I went back to Steve's place and then back to Salt Lake then that fall I went back to Idaho Falls with a Wilford Johnson and we topped beets out there for a Bingham till we finished. Then picking spuds that fall. Then the winter of 25 after topping beets we went back to Salt Lake.
In the winter of 25 Tom, he had a contract carrying mail and he wanted me to come up and help him. It took two outfits from Ashton to Guild in the winter time. So we each had four head of horses and I took from Harrison Ranch up to Guild. Then in the spring of 1926 we finished that on the Star Route. I received $45 a month and board and room.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Mission Calls!!
By Joan Lindhardt
Just wanted to let you know that our grandsons, Spencer, (son of Daniel) has received his mission call to Rio De Janerio Brazil and leaves Dec 18 for the MTC in Sao Paulo and Tyson (son of Jeff) has received his mission call to the Baltic Mission - Russian speaking and enters the MTC in Provo Feb 27.
Just wanted to let you know that our grandsons, Spencer, (son of Daniel) has received his mission call to Rio De Janerio Brazil and leaves Dec 18 for the MTC in Sao Paulo and Tyson (son of Jeff) has received his mission call to the Baltic Mission - Russian speaking and enters the MTC in Provo Feb 27.
Friday, October 26, 2007
What People are Saying About Brower Bits Online
"GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! " (Judy)
"I took a look and this is great! Well organized, convenient to navigate, and nice how you have interspersed photos with text (when you have it)...now I think I will turn off the email reminder I still get every couple of days to “See what’s happening with the Brower Family”, when nothing is really happening on that web site at all." (Lydja)
"I love the blog. I check it quite regularly."(Keriann)
"Wow, the blog is great. I guess I should have looked into the family website. Anyway I will repent and use the blog." (Susan)
"I took a look and this is great! Well organized, convenient to navigate, and nice how you have interspersed photos with text (when you have it)...now I think I will turn off the email reminder I still get every couple of days to “See what’s happening with the Brower Family”, when nothing is really happening on that web site at all." (Lydja)
"I love the blog. I check it quite regularly."(Keriann)
"Wow, the blog is great. I guess I should have looked into the family website. Anyway I will repent and use the blog." (Susan)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
So Busy, They're Dizzy
By Melvina Anderson
Stephanie Asay and Eric have moved into their new home in Heber, Timberlake. They have lots of work to finish including caulking the logs. So far its rained every weekend which slows things up. Stephanie has also transferred her office to Park City located in the Smith's Grocery store. Now she can get to work in a half hour instead of an hour. We helped mud and paint. I couldn't look up without getting dizzy so in the end I wasn't a lot of help. It's a neat house. Nickolas gets out of the Navy in November. They will probably settle in Arizona. Brandie Cloward's daughter Shaelyn is now in West Jordan Junior High.
I camped twice this summer with Lori and Roland (Largo)and Terri and DeWayne (Holgerson) once in Fairview Canyon, the other at Terri and DeWayne's property in Argyle Canyon. The kids saw a mother bear and her cub. Instead of hiding in the trailer Rachel, DeJa and Shaylee went looking for tracks.
Part of George's job is being outsourced to India in November. There is another year on the rest of the contract so he'll still be working. He supervises the night shift.
Wes and Bonnie love being grandparents. Heather, Micah and MacKenzie are doing great. Bonnie and Rebecca are taking college classes.
I'm a DUP VP and as I thought my assignment is seeing that the Cemetery gets weeded so I hear a lot about why others can't. It reminds me of Mom walking around the neighborhood and weeding people's yards until she couldn't tell the flowers from the weeds. I could have kept her busy since one side is all weeds.
I did get copies of Arza Hinckley's journal from Marsha Mason (Keith Mason is her husband; he is still in the nursing home but was doing a little better). One history was written by Joel Bowen. I'll send them on.
Love to all, Melvina
Stephanie Asay and Eric have moved into their new home in Heber, Timberlake. They have lots of work to finish including caulking the logs. So far its rained every weekend which slows things up. Stephanie has also transferred her office to Park City located in the Smith's Grocery store. Now she can get to work in a half hour instead of an hour. We helped mud and paint. I couldn't look up without getting dizzy so in the end I wasn't a lot of help. It's a neat house. Nickolas gets out of the Navy in November. They will probably settle in Arizona. Brandie Cloward's daughter Shaelyn is now in West Jordan Junior High.
I camped twice this summer with Lori and Roland (Largo)and Terri and DeWayne (Holgerson) once in Fairview Canyon, the other at Terri and DeWayne's property in Argyle Canyon. The kids saw a mother bear and her cub. Instead of hiding in the trailer Rachel, DeJa and Shaylee went looking for tracks.
Part of George's job is being outsourced to India in November. There is another year on the rest of the contract so he'll still be working. He supervises the night shift.
Wes and Bonnie love being grandparents. Heather, Micah and MacKenzie are doing great. Bonnie and Rebecca are taking college classes.
I'm a DUP VP and as I thought my assignment is seeing that the Cemetery gets weeded so I hear a lot about why others can't. It reminds me of Mom walking around the neighborhood and weeding people's yards until she couldn't tell the flowers from the weeds. I could have kept her busy since one side is all weeds.
I did get copies of Arza Hinckley's journal from Marsha Mason (Keith Mason is her husband; he is still in the nursing home but was doing a little better). One history was written by Joel Bowen. I'll send them on.
Love to all, Melvina
Saturday, October 13, 2007
BABY NEWS for Liebes Family
By Judy Liebes
About the only new information in our family is a baby boy who is due to arrive January 5, 2008. His name will be Jacob Donald Liebes - Jake for short. Courtney is now in kindergarten and LOVES it. Everything else seems to just be going along the same.
About the only new information in our family is a baby boy who is due to arrive January 5, 2008. His name will be Jacob Donald Liebes - Jake for short. Courtney is now in kindergarten and LOVES it. Everything else seems to just be going along the same.
Bronson Dunn Born June 13, 2007
By Liz Dunn 
Life is starting to get back to normal for us. We had a son born a little early. Bronson was born June 13, 2007 and was expected August 24th. He spent two months in the NICU and overcame many obstacles. At birth, he weighed 2 lbs. 15 oz. He now weighs 9 lbs. 8 oz. Bronson is a miracle and a really great baby.
Dylan is two and lots of fun. He got to spend time in Idaho and Utah with grandparents and cousins. He loves the tractors at Grandpa May’s and we still can’t drive by the hospital without Dylan mentioning Bronson.
Marc is enjoying work. We still live in Olathe, Kansas. (A suburb of Kansas City) Our only complaint is we are far away from family. Thank you to all the family. We couldn’t have made it without the support and prayers.

Life is starting to get back to normal for us. We had a son born a little early. Bronson was born June 13, 2007 and was expected August 24th. He spent two months in the NICU and overcame many obstacles. At birth, he weighed 2 lbs. 15 oz. He now weighs 9 lbs. 8 oz. Bronson is a miracle and a really great baby.
Dylan is two and lots of fun. He got to spend time in Idaho and Utah with grandparents and cousins. He loves the tractors at Grandpa May’s and we still can’t drive by the hospital without Dylan mentioning Bronson.
Marc is enjoying work. We still live in Olathe, Kansas. (A suburb of Kansas City) Our only complaint is we are far away from family. Thank you to all the family. We couldn’t have made it without the support and prayers.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Retired and Tired
By Susan Brower
Kelli and Creed are adding the stress to our lives, as only Kelli can. Kelli had open heart surgery on May 9 in Rochester Minn. at the Mayo Clinic. She had to go there because SLC doesn't do the kind of surgery she needed. She had two tears in her pericardium that is the sac that surrounds the heart and protects it from blunt force. It was so damaged that they couldn't just repair it, they took the entire sac. She was there for a week, then home on bed rest for a while and wasn't supposed to work for a year. Her insurance company decided that she didn't need to stay for a week and they don't want to pay for more than 1 day. Isn't it funny that the insurance knows more than the doctors. We won't go into that.
Joseph is 12 almost 13 and in 7th grade. He is in the middle school and loves changing classes and being the oldest class. Kaitie is 9 and in 4th grade at Midway Elementary in Menan. She has lost interest in school since it is so boring. She needs more activity. I think she is a little spoiled also. I'm sure she will settle down. Bryce in almost 4 and in a pre-school with his stepsister Kenna who is 3 1/2, They are so funny, what one doesn't think of the other one does. Ben is 2 and tries to keep up - he is very persistent and usually gets in trouble by pushing someone down. He loves the farm and loves to go with Creed.
Lori is still here and keeps busy sewing quilts and doing crocheted blankets for most of the weddings and babies of her friends. She still watches Ben and Bryce from time to time and of course she plays with Tyson and Kristy. They do a bit of running around and we all play card games as a family. (rook, up and down, head and foot, rummykub, and golf)
Amy is probably sending her bit so I'll just say she is attending BYU and will be graduating in April 2008. She is a live wire and is hard to keep up with also.
Kristy and Isaac live a few blocks from us. Isaac just got a part time job in the School District helping with the Spanish speaking students. He helps them understand their school work and keeps them on track. He has about 8 students in the junior high. It's not quite enough hours to support the family, but it is an in with the district. He wants to teach Spanish, but may have to do part time school at BYU-I to do English as a second language. Anyway, they spend a lot of time here and we love having Tyson here. He is almost walking and has 2 teeth. Kristy is so proud of him, but so are we! He will be 1 in November.
Ivan is officially retired and tired. He reads a lot and still does some computer repair and consulting. He is currently trying to put up an antenna to hook the neighbors up to high speed internet. We bought a camp trailer in April and have only used it a few times. We love it so far and may be will take it out of the driveway soon!. Actually we spent 3 days in Yellowstone park and really enjoyed it. When it got so hot in July and August, I slept in there with the air conditioner on!
I quit working at the dairy the end of April and attended Jon's graduation with the family. Then the end of July we went with Keriann and Jon to Toledo Ohio! We were gone 2 weeks and enjoyed seeing some of the country on the east side of the Mississippi. The church sites were especially nice. We didn't take the trailer because we didn't have a vehicle big enough to pull it that far. It was nice to be with Keriann and Jon and get them settled in. They have a great family ward and will be a great part of it.
We love our families and we love the Brower clan. We miss spending time with all of you, but as our families grow we kind of get busy with them. I thank Vivian so much for getting organized enough to keep us connected.
Kelli and Creed are adding the stress to our lives, as only Kelli can. Kelli had open heart surgery on May 9 in Rochester Minn. at the Mayo Clinic. She had to go there because SLC doesn't do the kind of surgery she needed. She had two tears in her pericardium that is the sac that surrounds the heart and protects it from blunt force. It was so damaged that they couldn't just repair it, they took the entire sac. She was there for a week, then home on bed rest for a while and wasn't supposed to work for a year. Her insurance company decided that she didn't need to stay for a week and they don't want to pay for more than 1 day. Isn't it funny that the insurance knows more than the doctors. We won't go into that.
Joseph is 12 almost 13 and in 7th grade. He is in the middle school and loves changing classes and being the oldest class. Kaitie is 9 and in 4th grade at Midway Elementary in Menan. She has lost interest in school since it is so boring. She needs more activity. I think she is a little spoiled also. I'm sure she will settle down. Bryce in almost 4 and in a pre-school with his stepsister Kenna who is 3 1/2, They are so funny, what one doesn't think of the other one does. Ben is 2 and tries to keep up - he is very persistent and usually gets in trouble by pushing someone down. He loves the farm and loves to go with Creed.
Lori is still here and keeps busy sewing quilts and doing crocheted blankets for most of the weddings and babies of her friends. She still watches Ben and Bryce from time to time and of course she plays with Tyson and Kristy. They do a bit of running around and we all play card games as a family. (rook, up and down, head and foot, rummykub, and golf)
Amy is probably sending her bit so I'll just say she is attending BYU and will be graduating in April 2008. She is a live wire and is hard to keep up with also.
Kristy and Isaac live a few blocks from us. Isaac just got a part time job in the School District helping with the Spanish speaking students. He helps them understand their school work and keeps them on track. He has about 8 students in the junior high. It's not quite enough hours to support the family, but it is an in with the district. He wants to teach Spanish, but may have to do part time school at BYU-I to do English as a second language. Anyway, they spend a lot of time here and we love having Tyson here. He is almost walking and has 2 teeth. Kristy is so proud of him, but so are we! He will be 1 in November.
Ivan is officially retired and tired. He reads a lot and still does some computer repair and consulting. He is currently trying to put up an antenna to hook the neighbors up to high speed internet. We bought a camp trailer in April and have only used it a few times. We love it so far and may be will take it out of the driveway soon!. Actually we spent 3 days in Yellowstone park and really enjoyed it. When it got so hot in July and August, I slept in there with the air conditioner on!
I quit working at the dairy the end of April and attended Jon's graduation with the family. Then the end of July we went with Keriann and Jon to Toledo Ohio! We were gone 2 weeks and enjoyed seeing some of the country on the east side of the Mississippi. The church sites were especially nice. We didn't take the trailer because we didn't have a vehicle big enough to pull it that far. It was nice to be with Keriann and Jon and get them settled in. They have a great family ward and will be a great part of it.
We love our families and we love the Brower clan. We miss spending time with all of you, but as our families grow we kind of get busy with them. I thank Vivian so much for getting organized enough to keep us connected.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Houses, Houses, Everywhere
By Connie Brower
This summer has been rather crazy for us. Or maybe it's that we have gone crazy. In April we finally made the move and bought a house in Mesa, AZ after looking for several years. I asked the real estate agent ,who has been very patient and kind to us these past few years .I think maybe she thought she had shown us every house in leisure world. Anyway I asked her if she thought we were ever really going to buy a house and she said she thought we would probably spend more years looking.
After being so careful and spending so much time looking in Arizona. We came home and had a chance to sell our pasture ground and took it. In order to not have to pay so many taxes we put our money into a 1031 which allows you to put that money back into real estate. Anyway to make a long story short, our real-estate agent here told us about a house on the Salmon river in Challis . We looked at it once and said we'll take it. I am quite sure we are crazy because all we have done this summer is travel back and forth mowing lawns and taking care of houses. Also trying to furnish a house in Challis is a challenge because Challis is a very small town with not to many businesses there. I have never spent so much time in DI's, Big lots, dollar stores and etc. So we have also been busy hauling house furnishings back and forth. Anyway we are worn out and finally last week end got the Challis house winterized (Just in time for the snow storm today thank goodness.)
Well the rest of the story is that we are now getting the Blackfoot house winterized and getting ready to go to Arizona and furnish the house there at least we won't be traveling back and forth between two houses and Mesa is a big city with lots of nice estate sales to furnish your house. I really began to wish we could have another wedding reception this summer to help get things rolling but that would have been just as much work so I soon forgot that idea.
The crazy part is what do we need three houses for. Other than to keep us really busy and out of mischief. I forgot to mention the other thing that has made this so crazy is that Jerry hurt his shoulder (rotator cup) in Feb., and so in between traveling he has been in physical therapy all summer. He has improved and is about done with therapy,Thank goodness just in time for traveling to AZ. Also he will be able to help lift and haul things better now. He found it rather challenging with one hand, So did I.
There's room for tents and trailers if anyone wants to camp and fish,hike,float the river, or just relax, Give us a call we love company. Also if the winter gets long, cold and depressing, or if your just interested in seeing what Mesa is like come visit us.
This summer has been rather crazy for us. Or maybe it's that we have gone crazy. In April we finally made the move and bought a house in Mesa, AZ after looking for several years. I asked the real estate agent ,who has been very patient and kind to us these past few years .I think maybe she thought she had shown us every house in leisure world. Anyway I asked her if she thought we were ever really going to buy a house and she said she thought we would probably spend more years looking.
After being so careful and spending so much time looking in Arizona. We came home and had a chance to sell our pasture ground and took it. In order to not have to pay so many taxes we put our money into a 1031 which allows you to put that money back into real estate. Anyway to make a long story short, our real-estate agent here told us about a house on the Salmon river in Challis . We looked at it once and said we'll take it. I am quite sure we are crazy because all we have done this summer is travel back and forth mowing lawns and taking care of houses. Also trying to furnish a house in Challis is a challenge because Challis is a very small town with not to many businesses there. I have never spent so much time in DI's, Big lots, dollar stores and etc. So we have also been busy hauling house furnishings back and forth. Anyway we are worn out and finally last week end got the Challis house winterized (Just in time for the snow storm today thank goodness.)
Well the rest of the story is that we are now getting the Blackfoot house winterized and getting ready to go to Arizona and furnish the house there at least we won't be traveling back and forth between two houses and Mesa is a big city with lots of nice estate sales to furnish your house. I really began to wish we could have another wedding reception this summer to help get things rolling but that would have been just as much work so I soon forgot that idea.
The crazy part is what do we need three houses for. Other than to keep us really busy and out of mischief. I forgot to mention the other thing that has made this so crazy is that Jerry hurt his shoulder (rotator cup) in Feb., and so in between traveling he has been in physical therapy all summer. He has improved and is about done with therapy,Thank goodness just in time for traveling to AZ. Also he will be able to help lift and haul things better now. He found it rather challenging with one hand, So did I.
There's room for tents and trailers if anyone wants to camp and fish,hike,float the river, or just relax, Give us a call we love company. Also if the winter gets long, cold and depressing, or if your just interested in seeing what Mesa is like come visit us.
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