Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Holy Toledo!!

By Keriann Felt
Jon and I have moved to Toledo, Ohio. We love Ohio! It is so beautiful here! Jon started Medical School on August 13th. He is doing well. He has had two exams already and has done well on both of them.

I am just a stay at home wife which everyone seems to think is weird. I love being at home and keeping things under control. Jon and I have been put in the nursery in our ward. It was rough the first few weeks, but the Nursery Leader is very organized and has structured things so well, that things are going really well now. Jon says it is even better than the beginning when he was basically a bouncer for the really rowdy boys.

We have had some crazy adventures in moving and starting our life out here. We started a blog to let our family and friends see our adventures. Here is where it can be found: www.jonandkeriann.blogspot.com

It has been fun to learn how to blog and to hear others comments on how life is going.

Just a few things that have happened to us. We had our car broken into in the parking lot of our apartment and they stole our radio. It has been hard to have no music, but we are hesitant to replace it, because it would probably just get stolen again. Luckily, they didn't break anything to get into our car. They were able to jimmy the lock and not ruin the electric locks.

Then the week after that happened, we lost our hard drive on our computer. It is only 2 years old and was still under warranty! So we got a new hard drive for free. DEL even came out a installed it. The sad part was that we were afraid that we would loose all the data on our old hard drive, but through a lot of prayer, miraculously we were able to get to the data and move it over to the new hard drive. It was a amazing!

We are so grateful that even though we are so far away from family we are being looked out for. It is hard to be so far away, but I know that Jon and I are not alone. That is a great comfort. We hope you are all well.

Keriann and Jon Felt

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a wonderfulicious title :)